How to File a No-Fault Insurance Claim in New York State

Man & Woman Filing for Complaint | Commercial Litigation New York Lawyers | Gash & Associates, P.C.

Suffering an auto accident injury in New York state can be disorienting and stressful. Seeking medical treatment, focusing on your physical recovery, missing work because of your injuries, and worrying about how you’ll be able to pay back these expenses can take a toll. What’s more, the process for filing an insurance claim in order to recover compensation can be complex and frustrating, especially if you are dealing with an insurance company that is attempting to deny you the compensation you deserve. Let’s take a look at the basic steps for filing an insurance claim following an auto accident in Westchester County.

No-Fault Insurance Coverage in New York State

New York State requires drivers to carry no-fault auto insurance. Most no-fault insurance plans provide basic benefits to persons injured in an auto accident, such as coverage for medical and rehabilitation expenses, lost wages (up to $2,000 per month for up to three years after the date of the accident), up to $25 per day (over a one-year period from the date of the accident) for other expenses associated with the injury, and a death benefit of $2,000. No-fault insurance usually applies to drivers, passengers, bicyclists, and pedestrians who have been injured in an accident involving an insured vehicle.

Filing a No-Fault Insurance Claim in Westchester County

In order to initiate the process of receiving your no-fault insurance benefits, you must file a written notice of claim with your no-fault insurer that includes relevant information, such as the names of the injured persons as well as the date, location, and circumstances of the accident. You must file this notice of claim within 30 days of the accident. If you were a pedestrian who was injured by a moving vehicle, you may file a claim with the driver’s insurance company. Once the insurer receives the notice of claim, they must provide you with an Application for Benefits. Complete this application and send it back as soon as possible. Medical treatment costs can be handled either by you paying these costs directly and submitting the bills to the no-fault insurer for reimbursement or by allowing the medical office to submit their bills directly to the insurer for payment.

How an Auto Accident Attorney Can Help

Although many auto accident victims are able to recover the compensation they need without much issue, there are instances in which an insurance company may deny your benefits or otherwise prevent you from securing the compensation you deserve. Enlisting the guidance of a knowledgeable personal injury attorney can help you ensure that your best interests are sufficiently protected and that you can successfully obtain the benefits you need in order to focus on your recovery.


Reach out to the trusted personal injury attorneys at Gash & Associates, P.C. by calling (914) 328-8800 today to schedule a free consultation with a dedicated Westchester County attorney.
