Gash & Associates, P.C.

Category: Medical Malpractice

Medical Malpractice

The 3 most common surgical errors that should never happen

Some medical mistakes are the result of a strange confluence of events that an individual physician or surgeon may have no control over. For example, ...
Medical Malpractice

Nurses’ 12-hour shifts can lead to errors in patient care

Many nurses at hospitals, care facilities and other medical centers across the country often work long shifts, which can result in serious consequences for patients. ...
Medical Malpractice

Was your diabetes misdiagnosed?

Diabetes is a chronic condition that can lead to a tremendous number of health complications, so a diagnosis can turn your life upside down. Effective ...
Medical Malpractice

African American patients have higher risk of medical malpractice

Medical mistakes can happen in just about any medical facility and to any patients. However, an increasingly strong body of research has made it clear ...
Medical Malpractice

Preparing for surgery? Know the signs of post-procedure infection

When your doctor recommended surgery here in New York, you might have had a thousand thoughts running through your mind. How would you be able ...
Medical Malpractice

Fetal distress: Did your New York doctor miss the signs?

You might say you and your obstetrician have a close working relationship during pregnancy. It’s always best if expectant moms regularly attend their prenatal visits. ...

Medical Malpractice

The various ways in which negligent care could affect your health

It is no secret that having to visit a medical facility for treatment can be a stressful and daunting experience. Should circumstances in life leave ...

Medical Malpractice

New to motorcycle riding? Don’t cheap out on riding gear!

Motorcycle-riding is an expensive hobby. Just ask any long-time rider. Yet, the same riders will probably tell you that every penny put into their bike ...

Medical Malpractice

How misdiagnosis harms young cancer patients

Colorectal cancer is a serious illness most commonly seen in people over the age of 50. However, it’s also possible for a New Yorker to ...
Medical Malpractice

Three of the most common birth injuries to look out for

If you or someone you know recently delivered, it is crucial to pay close attention to your baby’s condition. Some birth injuries aren’t spotted for ...