How Can I Prove Emotional Distress?

Woman with emotional distress seeks help | personal injury law firm in nyc | Gash & Associates, P.C.

You’ve been experiencing emotional distress from a personal injury, but you aren’t sure what to do about it. Should you contact a lawyer? How do you even prove that you’re going through this?

Here’s some more information on emotional distress so that when you’re ready to take action, you have everything you need for your claim.

The Definition of Emotional Distress

Emotional distress is a psychological injury you experience after a physical injury from an accident. For instance, if you got into a car crash and you broke some bones, you may be depressed that you can’t go to work for a few weeks while you’re healing. Other types of emotional distress include anxiety, insomnia, and loss of concentration.

Proving Emotional Distress

If you want to file a claim with the help of a personal injury lawyer, you’re going to need evidence of your emotional distress. This could include medical records from a psychologist or psychiatrist you see who is treating you for your condition. It could also include your personal journal entries or testimonials from friends and colleagues. Detailing physical symptoms such as headaches, weight gain or loss, or panic attacks could be helpful as well.

Keep in mind that emotional distress is one of the damages you could include in your claim against the responsible party. In order to really strengthen your case, it’s a good idea to collect other evidence such as photographs of your injuries (if applicable) and damages to your belongings, witness statements from people who saw what happened, and your medical records from the hospital you went to immediately following the accident.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer

Contact the personal injury firm Gash & Associates if you need representation after experiencing emotional distress from a personal injury. We assist clients throughout Westchester County, and the best part is, we provide a free consultation. Get in touch today at (914) 328-8800.
