New York, New Jersey & Connecticut Legal Blog

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Damage valuation after a car crash | ny motor vehicle accidents law firm | Gash & Associates, P.C.
Law Articles

How to Calculate Damages in an Auto Accident Case?

How to Calculate Damages in an Auto Accident Case?
Seek legal assistance today | personal injury law firm in new york city | Gash & Associates, P.C.
Employment Discrimination

What to Do If You’re Discriminated Against in the Hiring Process?

Recognizing and responding to discriminatory behavior in job applications.
Understanding no-fault insurance | ny motor vehicle accidents law firm | Gash & Associates, P.C.
Personal Injury

Understanding No-Fault Insurance in New York: Auto Accident Claims Demystified

What exactly does no-fault insurance mean, and how does it affect your ability to seek compensation for your injuries?
Slippery when wet sign on a public sidewalk | slip & fall accidents lawyer | Gash & Associates, P.C.
Personal Injury

What to Do If You Slip and Fall on a Public Sidewalk?

Valuable advice on what to do if you slip and fall on a public sidewalk.
Texting driver oblivious to the road | motor vehicle accidents attorney ny | Gash & Associates, P.C.
Personal Injury

The Hidden Dangers: Uncovering Negligence in Auto Accidents in Westchester County

Negligent behaviors such as distracted driving, speeding, and failure to follow traffic laws contribute to the high number of accidents in Westchester County.