What Are the Average Costs of Auto Accidents in New York?

Two Men Discussing About Car Insurance | Motor Vehicle Accident Lawyers | Gash & Associates, P.C.

You were driving one day when suddenly, another driver hit you and you got injured. Now, you’re wondering how much this accident is going to cost in the state of New York. By finding out the answer as well as information on what to do after an accident, you can have a better chance of getting the settlement you deserve.

Average Cost of a New York Car Accident

According to the New York State Department of Transportation’s latest figures, the average cost of an auto accident ranges depending on where the accident took place. On the lower end, an accident will cost around $15,000, and on the higher end, it’s going to cost around $63,000, with most accidents falling in the $30,000 to $40,000 range.

car accident

You may be wondering if there is an average settlement that you can expect following an auto accident and subsequent injury. The truth is that it all depends on the severity of your injury and the circumstances surrounding your case. For example, if you get whiplash and back pain and only need a few months’ worth of treatment, then your settlement would be lower than, say, if you suffered from a traumatic brain injury and required years of treatment.

What to Do After an Accident

Following an accident, it’s critical to gather evidence like photos of the scene and the other person’s car and license plate. You should also call the police to generate a report, collect witness statements, and go to the hospital for treatment. Then, call a personal injury lawyer to help you with your case.

Contacting a Personal Injury Lawyer

If you need representation after getting into an automobile accident, then contact the personal injury firm Gash & Associates. Gash & Associates help clients throughout Westchester County. We offer free consultations. Reach us now by calling (914) 328-8800.
