What Evidence Do I Need After an Auto Accident in New York?

Girl takes photo to get evidence after car accident | auto accident lawyer | Gash & Associates, P.C.

After getting into an auto accident in New York, you are understandably going to be shaken up. Whether or not you were injured, it’s important to collect evidence while you’re still at the scene of the accident. Then, you’ll have the best chance possible of getting a settlement you deserve. Here’s the evidence you’ll need to gather.

The Other Driver’s Information

Ask the other driver for their license and insurance information, and take a picture of both. Also, take a picture of their license plate. You don’t want them to get away before you can collect it.

A Police Report

As soon as your accident occurs, it’s critical to call the police. Generating a report of what happened, as well as letting the police know about it, is important. Be as honest and factual as possible in your report.

Witness Statements

You should ask nearby witnesses for statements saying exactly what they saw happen when the accident occured. Get these witness’ contact info just in case you need to follow up with them.


Make sure that along with pictures of the drivers’ information, you also take photographs of the scene of the accident, your visible injuries, and damage to your car or other personal belongings.

Medical Records

After your accident, you need to go to a doctor or hospital for treatment right away. You’ll need your medical records to prove that you got injured and you need treatment.

Reaching Out to a Personal Injury Lawyer

If you need representation after getting into an auto accident, then contact the personal injury firm Gash & Associates. Gash & Associates help clients throughout Westchester County. We offer free consultations. Reach us now by calling (914) 328-8800.
