Gash & Associates, P.C.

Category: Personal Injury

Personal Injury

The cause of half of all pediatric safety errors

Safety errors in medicine are more common than most people would like to admit, and their consequences can be devastating for pediatric victims in New ...

Personal Injury

Avoiding car accidents in the winter

Drivers in New York who are preparing for the winter should keep these tips in mind. First, they should let a mechanic check all vehicle ...

Personal Injury

Tips for safe winter driving

New York drivers often dread the winter. Not only is the weather cold and wet, but it also makes area roads slippery and dangerous. That’s ...

Personal Injury

3 common causes of bus accidents

Many people choose to ride the bus as a main form of transportation. It is cheaper than a taxi, or even filling up a car ...

Personal Injury

Brake Safety Week sidelines almost 5,000 commercial vehicles

Everyone in New York has to share the road with commercial vehicles, and well-maintained brakes play a significant role in the safe operation of trucks ...

Personal Injury

Driving safely in bright sunlight

Bright sunlight can cause a hazard for New York drivers when they are unable to see other vehicles and road signs. Drivers can take several ...

Personal Injury

Tesla issues several safety claims on its Autopilot system

Many New York motorists are interested in autonomous driving technologies, especially for the safety boost that they could provide. When human error is taken out ...

Personal Injury

Car accidents increase along with legalized marijuana

New Yorkers have repeatedly shown widespread support for cannabis legalization. In fact, a working group has been formed to write a bill to make recreational ...

Personal Injury

Groups call for mandatory crash avoidance systems on large trucks

Some truckers in New York may have crash avoidance systems in their vehicles. However, safety advocates are urging the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to ...

Personal Injury

New technology may help prevent slip-and-fall accidents

Falls in New York are a major cause of serious injuries every year. If a person slips and falls in a public place, business owners ...