Gash & Associates, P.C.

Category: Personal Injury

Personal Injury

What data and tech companies do to fight distracted driving

Personal Injury

CVSA to inspect CMV brakes during September

From September 16 to 22, the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance will have certified enforcement personnel standing by in New York and across the U.S. for ...
Personal Injury

2016 saw 3 percent rise in large truck accidents

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has gathered accurate data on the number of large truck accidents in 2016, recently publishing its findings in a ...
Personal Injury

New York drivers, please ‘Move Over’ for certain vehicles

Earlier this year, two New York State Police troopers and a tow truck driver were struck and injured by a suspected drunk driver who failed ...
Personal Injury

CVSA seeks to cut down on trucking crashes

Many New Yorkers may fear taking to the roads alongside large trucks. This is understandable considering the potentially devastating results of a truck collision with ...
Personal Injury

Woman has stomach bloat because of surgical error

Personal Injury

Why drowsy driving is a major risk in ridesharing

Drivers in New York are probably aware of how dangerous it is to be fatigued behind the wheel. The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety estimates ...
Personal Injury

When spotting a suspected drunk driver

Roughly one-third of all traffic deaths in the U.S. are attributed to drunk drivers who continue to remain a consistent danger on all roads. During ...

Personal Injury

The dangers of inattention while behind the wheel

Drivers in New York might have heard a lot about the dangers of talking on a cellphone while driving, but one study says that drivers ...
Personal Injury

Distracted driving behavior and awareness on the rise

Many New York drivers recognize the risks of distracted driving even as they engage in the same dangerous behaviors, according to the results of a ...